Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Silly things about Germany...

Here are some silly things about Germany:

  • Dogs are better behaved here than children. People bring their dogs everywhere! In the grocery store, in department stores, in restaurants. But if you decide to leave your pooch outside...don't worry. He'll wait patiently for you by the fire hydrant...without a leash! Meanwhile, children find no problem screaming on the bus right into your ear or wiggling so hard in their stroller that they squirm their way out.
  • Eggs are not refrigerated in the grocery store. That's right, they're just sitting on a shelf.
  • You can buy beer in SubWay.
  • They HAVE SubWay the prettiest building you've ever seen.
  • You can buy 24 rolls of toilet paper for 1.50 Euro but gas is almost 8.00 Euro a gallon!
  • Cars can and WILL run over pedestrians.
  • Showing up late to something is grounds for being written out of a will.
  • They always shut the doors. Always. I'm constantly walking into the bathroom door at night because my roommate keeps shutting the door! Haha!
  • They're not use to hot weather at all. On Monday it was 78 degrees by 10:00am and they sent the school children home.
  • They clap for a recital or performance for at least 5 straight minutes. I'm not exaggerating. My hands were raw when we were done...
Oh're so silly! But I still love you!

1 comment:

Alisha Beverly said...

That is so funny! I can't believe they bring their dogs with them everywhere. I wish I could see that!

I thought all Europeans were late to everything so I'm really surprised by that!

And clapping makes my hands itch, so no thanks!